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How to calculate percentage increase and Decrease |
Calculate percentage increase and Decrease
Percentage Increase formula
The Percentage Increase formula isDivideIncrease Numberby theOriginal Numberand then multiply by one hundred. Note:Increase Number meansSubtractNew Number by Original Number. An answeris a positive number
The PercentageDecreaseformula isDivide theDecreaseNumberby theOriginal Numberand then multiply by one hundred. Note:DecreaseNumber meansSubtractOriginalNumber by New Number. ananswer is a Negative Number
Calculate percentage increase Model
Increase = [ New Number - Original Number]
%Percentage Increase
= [ Increase÷Original Number ] X 100
this Answer is a positive number
For Example:
Mr. Laran worked in March month total hours 50, in April month Laran worked 60 hours, so you find Laran working hours percentage increase in April month?
Normal working hoursOriginal Number = 50
Increase working hoursNew Number = 60
Increase = [ New Number - Original Number]
= [ 60 - 50 ] = 10
Increase = 10
%Percentage Increase
= [ Increase÷Original Number ] X 100
=[ 10÷ 50] X 100
= 0.2 X 100
%Percentage Increase= 20 %
Laran working hours percentage increased in April month 20 %
this Answer is a positive number
Calculate percentage Decrease Model
Decrease = [OriginalNumber - New Number]
%Percentage Decrease
= [ Decrease÷Original Number] X 100
this answer is a Negative Number
For Example:
Mr. Laran worked in March month total hours 50, in April month Laran worked 30 hours, so you find Laran working hours percentage Decrease in April month?
Normal working hoursOriginal Number = 50
Decrease working hoursNew Number = 30
Decrease = [OriginalNumber - New Number]
= [ 50 - 30 ] = 20
Decrease = 20
%Percentage Decrease
=[ Decrease÷Original Number ] X 100
=[ 20÷ 50] X 100
= 0.4 X 100
%Percentage Decrease = 40 %
Laran working hours percentage Decrease in April month 40 %
this answer is a Negative Number