Windows could not complete the installation to install windows on the complete restart the install after reset
For this problem solution, you try below the methods.
Method - 1 (Same error but not enter the Windows start screen you try this method)
Command Prompt - Regeditc to fix
Step #1.On the same error screen press Shift + F10 to open
Command Prompt.
[Note: Sometimes
Shift + F10 not working so you try Shift + fn + F10 to open
the command prompt]
Step #2. Type the following command:Regedit after hitting
Enter key
Step #3. After displaying your screen Registry Editor.
Step #4. Now the Registry editor navigates to the following key:Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\setup\Status
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ Setup \ Status \ ChildCompletion \ setup.exe
Value: 3
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ Setup \ Status \ ChildCompletion \ audit.exe Value: 0
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ Setup \ Status \ SysprepStatus \ CleanupState Value: 2
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ Setup \ Status \ SysprepStatus \ GeneralizationState Value: 7
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ Setup \ Status \ UnattendPasses \ auditSystem Value: 0
Step #5. You change values, Next close all taps, and then Reboot your
[Note: Please make sure that the AC adaptor is connected during the
Reboot process and please don't force it to shut down to prevent any issue
Method - 2 - Reinstall Windows Via Window Recovery Environment (WinRE) and Reset your (Laptop or PC) again
Step #1. First please enter windows
Recovery Environment and let your computer.How to enter Windows Recovery Environment?
[Note: Please make sure that the AC adaptor is connected during the reset
process and please don't force it to shut down to prevent any issue
Step #2. After entering windows Recovery Environment, then select
[Troubleshoot] keep following the image below
Step #4. Next, then display two options select your wish :
- Keep my files
- Remove Everything (Recommended) - fresh new Laptop or PC
[Note: This method is Reset/recovery/reinstall/refresh as it replaces
the current window configuration with a new one and also removes all of
your personal files, apps, and settings.]
Step #4. Next, select [Local install] and then display two
options select your wish :
- Just remove my files
- Fully clean the drive
[Note: Please make sure that the AC adaptor is connected during the
reset process and please don't force it to shut down to prevent any
issue ]